Business and Corporate Structure in Costa Rica
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Business and Corporate Structure in Costa Rica
How to create a business and Corporate Structure?
Hundreds of local and foreign merchants, businessmen, and entrepreneurs want to make their dream come true: creating their own business in Costa Rica and living out of them. The truth is that nations depend heavily on private enterprises to create wealth, with that in mind hundreds of years ago governments created the first corporations. The corporation is still today the prime legal vehicle to conduct business as it allows entrepreneurs to take certain risks without losing their personal patrimony.
Understanding the essence and advantages of the most important local and international legal entities is necessary to operate a commercial establishment.
GLC Abogados® provides legal advice to its clients from a combination of both the legal & business perspectives. We have many years of experience as legal counsel to small, medium, and large companies, in which we have created legal and business structures which are flexible yet designed to allow long-term growth.
The firm creates legal structures using entities from diverse jurisdictions around the globe. We are convinced to offer to our select clientele a clear approach to the available regulatory advantages.
We are confident that we can offer our distinguished clientele a clear approach to the regulatory advantages available. Once the corporate structure is in place, we take an active role in maintaining the companies in good standing.
Our experience supports our corporate legal services for doing business in Costa Rica.
Some of the basic legal services that we master in the Corporate Law area are specifically but not limited to:
- Incorporation
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Certifications
- Banking Law
- Labor Law Regulations
- Business Licenses
- Intellectual Property
- Commercial Transactions
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Business Development
- Contracts
We invite you to contact our expert attorneys to receive an initial consultation about all the key aspects required to conduct business in Costa Rica with success.
Contact Us
GLC Costa Rica Lawyers
+1-833-618-0306 - Toll Free
Fax: +506 2228-0191
Avenida Escazú, Building 102, Tower 2, Office 309, San José, Costa Rica.